10 Best Terrarium Plants for Indoor and Outdoor Terrariums


Are you a gardener and want to bring outdoor gardens indoors Or an urbanite looking for a green piece of land in the concrete jungle that surrounds you? Terrarium plants are the perfect solution!

Terrariums, not to be confused with pitchers, are mini vegetable ecosystems that grow in a glass jar. They have taken the gardening world by storm and it is easy to see why. First of all, they are unpretentious in service. Second, they fit easily on the countertop. And third, they are a delightful addition to any home.

Terrariums created from cacti, succulents, or tropical plants are self-contained. This means that they are fairly easy to care for – as long as you give them the right dose of sunlight and water. Plus, these miniature gardens can flourish for years!

But before you bring a glass jar and start growing your terrarium, you need to choose the right plants for your mini ecosystem. Keep reading to know more about it…

Terrarium Plants in Dubai

What are terrarium plants?

Terrarium plants are small, slow-growing plants placed in a glass container. And if you don't know how to take good care of indoor plants, they are the best way to surround yourself with greenery.

Terrariums can make interior spaces livelier and more attractive. They are also quite versatile in size - you can make them large or minimal.

So if you are new here are some terrarium plant ideas to help you get started:

  • Use a variety of glass containers, such as bell jars, open bowls, light bulbs, and jars.
  • Grow plants like ferns, carnivorous plants, air plants, and succulents in your terrarium. They can live in small closed spaces.
  • Create captivating landscapes, from a mossy forest and a whimsical fairy garden to a cactus desert and a tropical jungle.
  • Add decorative elements like shells, glass pebbles, and driftwood to your little plant world.
  • The best terrarium plants.
  • As a general rule, the best plants for a terrarium are small and slow growing. You don't want them touching the sides of your boat.
  • Apart from that, there are endless options for terrarium plants, so which one to choose? Light. Choosing the best terrarium plants depends on: Is your terrarium open or closed?
  • Open terrariums ideal for plants that prefer dry conditions. Succulents, air plants and cacti thrive in them.
  • closed terrariums have their own mini climate. They are best suited for humidity and thermophilic plants such as ferns, mosses and orchids.

Tip: Since your plants will be living in the same habitat, make sure they have the same light and moisture needs.

Terrarium Plants UAE

outdoor terrarium plants

Open terrariums are a great way to start. They promote better air exchange for the plants and you don't have to worry about condensation problems. Also, they have a low risk of mold and rot .

Keep in mind that plants in open terrariums prefer drier environments. These terrariums are also suitable for plants that need direct sunlight.

Here are some plants that thrive in open terrariums:

Air Plants (Tillandsia)

Air plants don't need soil to thrive. They attach to a host to survive and absorb water and nutrients through their leaves. They are not only a beautiful addition to the terrarium, but also succulent Plants with thick, fleshy foliage. If you often forget to water your plants, then these plants are for you: they can grow with little water. Many succulents stay small, allowing them to live in a terrarium for years without repotting.

Tip: Overwatering your succulents will cause their roots to rot. Water them only once a week.

Terrarium Dubai

Button Fern (Pallaea Rotundifolia)

Button ferns are drought tolerant, unlike other members of the fern family. Due to their perennial nature and beautiful round, leathery foliage, they have become a popular terrarium plant.

Tip: Button ferns prefer dim light in summer and bright, diffused light in winter.


If you want to create a desert landscape in your terrarium, get some cacti! These plants cannot survive in closed terrariums with high humidity and poor ventilation. So make sure you have a medium to large hole in your container.

Note: Cactyls look great in open terrariums, but they don't live long. This is due to the fact that plants need regular airflow and low humidity for normal growth.

Terrarium UAE

Jade plant (Crassula ovata)

Jade plants are usually well kept as bonsai for terrariums. Since they need frequent watering, an open terrarium is suitable for them. A simple rule of thumb is to water jade plants when the topsoil is nearly dry.

Tip: Since jade plants are considered a symbol of good luck, place them on your desk.

Plants in a closed terrarium

Closed terrariums are a bit more difficult to care for. But they are worth all your effort. Since they are closed, they are more like small self-contained gardens.

You can build your indoor terrarium of tropical plants that love moisture and heat. Keep in mind that tropics will eventually outgrow their container, so you 'll have to repot them.

Terrarium Plants Dubai

Here are some hardy indoor terrarium plants:

Peperomia (Peperomia pellucida)

Peperomyagenus has short and compact plants. Some have green leaves, while others have white or red leaves. These tropical plants thrive in moist conditions.

Note: There are more mosses and the closed terrariums are perfectly combined with each other. This is because they are slow growing and love moisture and low light. Also, they don't take up a lot of vertical space and don't compete with other plants.

Tip: Carpet mosses, such as java moss and feather moss, are best for covering your terrarium, giving it the look of a natural forest.

Terrarium Plants UAE

Nerve plants (Fittonia)

Nerves are colorful tropical plants. They love warm temperatures, high humidity, and partial shade.

Because these plants reach a maximum height of 10 to 15 centimeters, they are ideal for confined terrariums.


Most ferns prefer to grow in a warm, humid environment in a closed terrarium. Lemon fern and maidenhair fern are two popular small ferns. Cover them to add dimension to your terrarium.

Tip: Regular pruning of your ferns will encourage their growth.

Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes Phyllostachya)

Daub will brighten up your terrarium with a delightful polka dot plant. This warm, moisture-loving plant has pink, purple, red, or white spots on the green leaves.

Terrarium Dubai

Tip: Regular pruning of your ferns will encourage their growth.


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