7 Plants For a Healthier Home

We ask our home to act as a refuge sometimes, but not only physically, but also emotionally. In other words, if when it rains outside we feel more comfortable, safe and sheltered inside the house, we can experience the same when the storm is inside us. Each of us has several options to make our home transmit peace and tranquility. From painting the walls with warm colors, to resorting to Feng Shui in the bedroom or, what concerns us today, decorating all the rooms with plants. Indoor Plants in Dubai This last option is one of our favorites because, in addition to brightening up the house just with its presence, the vast majority of plants have the perfect properties to turn a home into a healthier place. Among the attributes attributed to plants is the fact that they purify the air, improve the aromas of the room, prevent colds and reduce stress and anxiety. Contributions necessary for our body and mind. If you are willing to take the plunge and fill your home with nature, below ...